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Upcoming Events

Design Team Meetings

The design teams leaders will be having meetings on Tuesday, September 11th in NSC 210 ranging from 6:00pm-8:30pm to explain about what their teams do. See below for exact time range for the design team you are interested in or stay to learn about all of them! Bridging the Gap Africa: 6-6:30pm Concrete Canoe: 6:30-7pm Seismic Design: 7-7:30pm Steel Bridge: 7:30-8pm

Volunteer Events Blood Drive: We will be holding a blood drive with Red Cross on Wednesday, September 12th. We still need a few more people to help. If you are interested in helping out please sign up using the link here. CSEE Soccer Game The CSEE Department will hold its 8th Annual Soccer Game and Welcome Celebration on Saturday, October 6, 2017 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Kunz Field on UB’s North Campus. Please join us as Civil engineering seniors and grad students take on CSEE freshman, sophomore and juniors, and Environmental seniors and Environmental graduate students for bragging rights in this year’s matchup! Come to play in the game or cheer on your friends, and please join us afterwards for pizza, subs and other snacks! Please email your faculty coach confirming your spot on their team by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. Civil seniors and graduate students email Prof. Stavridis at CSEE freshmen, sophomores and juniors, and Environmental seniors and graduate students email Prof. John Atkinson at Please complete the RSVP form here if you plan on attending, either to play or spectate, so the department can get a head count.

Regards, Andrew Meyerhofer Secretary University at Buffalo ASCE

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