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Weekly Update

General Body Meeting This Wednesday, October 16th at 6:00 pm we will be having a General Body Meeting in NSC 216. We will be having some of our members discuss their internships from this past summer! They will be sharing their experiences and responsibilities as interns, showing pictures of sites and projects they worked on, and giving tips and information on how they got their position. This will be a great opportunity for those looking for an internship this summer to get an idea of what opportunities there are out there so be sure to attend!

CSEE Open House Volunteering On Saturday, October 19th we will be having our fall open house for prospective students! To make it meaningful for these prospective students who are considering choosing UB, we need current students to participate in this event by sharing their stories and experiences. This means chatting with prospective students and parents about your UB experiences in 140 Ketter Hall, walking prospective students from the SEAS presentation back to Ketter Hall, and walking around with groups of students as they tour our labs and club spaces. If you can help our Department, please send an email to Eva McGovern ( We would need help from between 8:30-9:00 a.m. until 12:00- 12:30 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided!

Resume Review

In early November, we will be having a resume review with the ASCE professional section! This will be a great opportunity to have professionals in the field give feedback on your resumes as well as how to make your resume look good for interviews and job applications. If you are interested in attending this event, please send a copy of your resume to me at by Friday, October 26th at 5:00 pm!

Job Opportunity

Lafarge is currently looking for paid summer interns interested in the construction and concrete industry. Lafarge is a global leader in building materials and serving clients solutions with innovative products. They have locations across the US, however they have needs right here in Buffalo. Please see the attached job descriptions (at the bottom of the email) for internship opportunities relating to various types of engineering. ASCE students have an increased chance of securing these internships, which have the potential to lead to full-time employment upon graduation! All interested applicants should email Bill ( introducing themselves (mention you're with ASCE) and their interests. Any other questions regarding the opportunity or Lafarge should be directed to Bill as well.

Concrete Canoe Upcoming Meetings: - Paddling Practice: Tuesday AND Friday at 5:00 pm at Lake LaSalle - Construction Meeting: Tuesday at 11:00 am in Jarvis 117 - Mix Design Meeting: Thursday at 3:30 pm in Jarvis 117 - Hull Design Meeting: Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Davis Hall Atrium

Steel Bridge

Look out for updates in the GroupMe on when the team will be working on design in Ketter 208!

Seismic Design

On Thursday, October 17th the seismic design architecture and modeling sub-teams will be presenting to the rest of the team on previous year's work and their plans for this year. On Friday, October 18th the construction, material testing, and communication teams will be doing the same. Exact times and rooms are to be determined so keep an eye out for an email from PM's on these details. In addition, the rules for this year's Seismic Design Competition have come out, you can view these rules at the link provided below. These will be reviewed in Thursday's meeting after the two sub teams present, so be sure to attend!!

ASCE Buffalo Section Meeting This Wednesday, October 16th the ASCE Buffalo professional section will be holding a meeting from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Anchoring 101: Principles and Design. This program will provide an introductory overview of the adhesive and mechanical anchor market. Please see the flyer below for more details.

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